Over time Krüger's talent developed further when he moved away from his primary style of caricaturist artwork into that of 'New Pop Realism'. Where, instead of the focus being upon the distortion of the idol for a humourus exploitation, Krüger's objective became one of delving into the psyche of the stars and icons of the 60's, his youth. Instead of his paintings depicting the glitz and glamour that is typical of studies on celebrities, Krüger displays the raw reality of their lives, their existence away from the polished apparatus of mass media.
Krüger's work, through it's embrace of 'the real' bring's into question identity and authenticity. Insofar that his artworks do not shy away from the true nature of those who, through the iconography of media and consumerism, have been made out to be perfection incarnate. Instead, His work revolves around a type of subversive, 'warts and all' mentality, where the subject is portrayed in both their external reality, as well as their internal, shadow, self that is not too often seen by those not close to them.
On his own work, Krüger comments "Everything is in transition, that's all". This can be seen within his painting as Krüger works within a juxtaposition, he uses a hyper-realistic style that captures the fine details in the faces of his subjects. But also employs a grotesque use of distortion, similar to that of British artist Lucian Freud in order to show representation of the body, but also representation of the spirit.
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